NDE Germany at UNFCCC Africa Climate Week (4th-8th September 2023) and Asia-Pacific Climate Week (13th-17th November 2023)
With the transition to renewable energies, Africa and Asia have ambitious expansion plans for their electricity grid. So far, newly installed grid infrastructure still significantly relies on SF6-insulated switchgears, with SF6 being a major greenhouse gas. Switch gears are an essential component of the electric grid for the interruption of the electricity flow to prevent short circuits or for maintenance purposes. Most developing countries allow the unrestricted use of SF6, which is leading to rising SF6 emissions and increasing global concentrations, contribution to global warming.
The CTCN in collaboration with the NDE Germany initiated addressing the global phase out of SF6. The SF6 phase out and possible collaborations between NDEs and the CTCN to promote the phase-out are discussed during the regional NDE Fora at the climate weeks in Africa and Asia.
Find further information and NDE Germanys presentation: