Climate finance workshop of the NDE Germany
On March 2, 2017 the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the NDE Germany will host an extraordinary meeting of the Climate Technology Transfer Working Group (Arbeitskreis Klimatechnologietransfer – AKT) with the focus on financing climate technology transfer.
Innovative technologies are a crucial factor for countries to reach their ambitious long-term goals under the Paris Agreement. Climate-friendly and resilient economies will have to build on innovation and technology transfer.
Matching their products with technology needs of developing countries and creating profitable cooperation projects is therefore of highest interest to German providers of climate-relevant technologies.
The workshop means to address the following questions:
- What public and private financing mechanisms are available to accelerate the transfer of climate technology?
- What instruments are available for the industry and SME businesses? What barriers have to be overcome?
- How are technology need requests and technology availability combined and turned into bankable projects?
Participation in the workshop is by invititation only. If you are interested in participating please contact us.