NDE Germany @Innovate4Climate
The NDE Germany Implementing Office will take part in this year’s Innovate4Climate (I4C). The I4C is the place where finance, business, technology, and policy leaders meet to drive climate investment and climate innovation.
Accelerated climate action is essential to avoid the effects of a 2 degree warmer world and meet the Paris Agreement’s commitments. With constrained public resources, traditional forms of concessional finance will not be sufficient to fund the investment required for a transition to a low-carbon future. Scaling up and accelerating access to finance for climate-smart investments will be key. Leveraging public resources and creating enabling environments for increased use of commercial finance and incentivizing private sector investments will be critical for success.
The I4C is an integral part of a global dialogue of government, multilateral organizations, business, banking, finance, technology leaders and society and discusses climate finance, sustainable development, carbon pricing and markets.
I4C 2018 will convene global leaders from industry, government and multilateral agencies for a three-day Summit, workshops and a Marketplace, to work and dialogue on development of innovative financing instruments and approaches to support low-carbon, climate-resilient development pathways; mobilization of private investments in climate action; support to developing countries in their NDCs implementation; development of ideas on how market-based and non-market based climate finance instruments identified in the Paris Agreement can best be designed to maximize impact and minimize costs.
The NDE Germany Implementing office will be present at I4C on May 23 and 24, 2018. We will present at the World Bank Pitch Hub at 09:30 on May 24. To meet up with us, join us at the Pitch Hub, or contact us in advance to set up a meeting.
For more information on the I4C follow this link.