Matchmaking Workshop on E-Mobility in Brazil

More than 90 representatives from politics, economics, science and industry associations met at the first Matchmaking Workshop of the NDE Germany in Sao Paolo to discuss the future potential of e-mobility as a contribution to achieving climate goals in Brazil, Germany and on a global scale.
This cooperation event, organized in collaboration with NDE Brazil (Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication of Brazil), aimed at presenting German technological solutions in e-mobility, bring companies and decision makers from Brazil in touch with potential cooperation partners as well as support technology cooperation on a political level.
Topics such as charging infrastructure, e-mobility in public transport and utility vehicles, prospective mobility technologies and traffic concepts for metropolitan areas were part of the workshop’s agenda. More than thirty experts from Germany and Brazil presented information, technological solutions and gave their advice on the future development of Brazilian e-mobility market. Among others, the StreetScooter, developed for logistics in the vicinity of RWTH Aachen University, as well as the autonomously driving “Future Bus” by Mercedes Benz were presented as German “best practice” solutions.
As the biggest economy of Latin America and one of the most important automobile production sites, Brazil has great interest in the topic of e-mobility. With ca. 3200 electric vehicles as of 2016, the Brazilian market is still in the beginning of its development. Yet, the Brazilian government plans to make framework conditions for the use of electric vehicles more attractive and invest in the expansion of necessary charging infrastructure in the public sector. Cities such as Campinas and Sao Paolo are pioneers in this regard. Precisely, the construction and upgrade of electrical bus routes, e-taxis, electrical logistics vehicles as well as car- and bike-sharing concepts are being planned here. According to officials from Brazil present at the workshop, there is high demand for technology solutions from Germany.
To take a look at the programme, please follow the link.
A market study on e-mobility in Brazil can be requested at the NDE Germany Implementing Office.
As a national contact point for technology transfer at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, NDE Germany supports Brazil in achieving national climate goals by facilitating practical cooperation in the field of climate technologies.